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Webroot Roadshow Dublin

The Science Gallery Dublin The Naughton Institute, Pearse St, Dublin, Ireland

Tony Gee presents "2017: is this your year to get hacked?" How hackers find and attack you (and what you can do about it).

Royal Holloway guest lecture

Royal Holloway, University of London Egham Hill, Egham, Surrey, United Kingdom

Ken Munro will be giving a guest lecture on the MSc Infosec course at Royal Holloway, for course students only.

Webroot Roadshow London

The Gore Hotel 189-190 Queen's Gate, London, United Kingdom

Tony Gee presents "2017: is this your year to get hacked?" How hackers find and attack you (and what you can do about it).


Crowne Plaza Brussels - Le Palace Rue Gineste 3, Brussels, Belgium