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SC Digital Congress 2020

The Internet The Internet, United Kingdom

Ken Munro will be delivering live hack demos: TBC

IMarEST Stanley Gray Lecture – Hacking Ships’ Bridges

The Internet The Internet, United Kingdom

Watch the full video here Nigel Hearne will be presenting: Hacking Ships' Bridges Register here

IT security for remote working

The Internet The Internet, United Kingdom

Tony Gee and Gerard Kerrigan will be presenting. Topics covered: The new working environment Impact of home/remote working for IT security What are the new risks and how to mitigate them Impact on GDPR -Managing breaches Financial systems, controls and fraud risks Register here

DEF CON – 28 Safe Mode

The Internet The Internet, United Kingdom

DEF CON 2020 Discord: Twitch: YouTube: Access to talks, panels etc., (from DEF CON official presentations will be pre-recorded, each full day of talks will be pre-released online at midnight PDT (GMT-7) the day they are scheduled for, as a torrent on and on our official YouTube. The dates and […]

Black Hat USA 2020

The Internet The Internet, United Kingdom

Chris Wade will be presenting: Beyond Root. Custom Firmware for Embedded Mobile Chipsets Thursday, August 6 - 14:30-15:10 PST / 22:30- 23:10 GMT+1 A talk that covers bypass of firmware signature checking mechanisms on NFC chips, and the cool features you can add to a phone by doing so. More info here. Register here

Housing 2020

Manchester Central Convention Centre Petersfield, Manchester, United Kingdom

Jo Dalton will be presenting: TBC

ABI’s Preventing tomorrow’s fraud today

The Internet The Internet, United Kingdom

Ken Munro will be presenting 15:10 - 15:30 Register here: