Hardwear.io – Beyond Root: Custom Firmware for Embedded Mobile Chipsets
The Internet The Internet, United KingdomDetails and registration here https://hardwear-io.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAvde-qqD4vH9WZ-0STRKXlE5LAHbOWXY7F
Details and registration here https://hardwear-io.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAvde-qqD4vH9WZ-0STRKXlE5LAHbOWXY7F
Andrew Tierney will be presenting: Oil rigs and Cruise Liners Register here https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/cyberfest-port-of-tyne-cybersecurity-in-offshore-and-onshore-logistics-tickets-114106501618
Ken Munro will be presenting 15:10 - 15:30 Register here: https://www.abi.org.uk/register-for-event/index/700dd749-3a48-ea11-80f0-000d3a290f8f/
Internet of things, software audits and enforcement Stephenson Harwood and the Federation Against Software Theft are delighted to invite you to our joint webinar on Thursday 24 September. We have teamed up with leading experts from the Intellectual Property Office and Pen Test Partners to cover a variety of interesting topics including: · software audits […]
Tim Luck will be available. Register here https://www.lendit.com/usa/2020/register/
Ken Munro will be presenting the Operational IoT keynote: The IoT is littered with security disasters. As the distinction from OT blurs how do we avoid repeating them? Register here https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/IoTSecurityConference2020
Andrew Tierney is presenting: Smarter Shipping. Hacking floating ICS for fun and profit
Ken Munro will be presenting the Keynote: The Perils of IoT When Working From Home Register here https://events.pcisecuritystandards.org/europe/register/
Register here https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/Automotive-Security-Research-Group-Stuttgart/events/274007899
Tony Gee will be presenting: How we hacked one of the largest IoT tracking platforms in the world. Register here.