LendIt Fintech 2020
The Internet The Internet, United KingdomTim Luck will be available. Register here https://www.lendit.com/usa/2020/register/
Tim Luck will be available. Register here https://www.lendit.com/usa/2020/register/
Ken Munro will be presenting the Operational IoT keynote: The IoT is littered with security disasters. As the distinction from OT blurs how do we avoid repeating them? Register here https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/IoTSecurityConference2020
Andrew Tierney will be presenting. Topic, title, date & time TBC www.meetup.com/BBC-Tech-Meetup/
Andrew Tierney is presenting: Smarter Shipping. Hacking floating ICS for fun and profit
Ken Munro will be presenting the Keynote: The Perils of IoT When Working From Home Register here https://events.pcisecuritystandards.org/europe/register/
Register here https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/Automotive-Security-Research-Group-Stuttgart/events/274007899
Tony Gee will be presenting: How we hacked one of the largest IoT tracking platforms in the world. Register here.
About the Summit The Maritime Cybersecurity Summit supports focused discussions on maritime cybersecurity challenges. During the Summit, owners, operators, suppliers, service providers, and the public sector share information on their current efforts to address maritime cyber risks. This event offers a rare opportunity to not only engage and hear from a diverse group of experts, […]
Andy Gill and Ali G will be opening the day with: Nijushio - A Year Targeting Nippon Andy and Ali have spent the good part of a year on Intelligence led Red Team engagements against some of the biggest organisations in Japan. They will cover some of their major successes and failures covering topics such […]
This a closed community event. Ken Munro will be presenting: Smart Stalking: how both victims and law enforcement are exposed to the lack of security in smart home tech What to watch out for today and in the future; guidance for the vulnerable and also for yourself. What can you do to minimise the chance […]