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Cybercrime Radio podcast

The Internet The Internet, United Kingdom

Ken Munro will be a guest, talking about all things IoT and hacking.

Security Unhappy Hour Podcast

The Internet The Internet, United Kingdom

Welcome to the Security Un-Happy Hour where we bring together a group of security professionals, and naturally cheerful folks, to discuss topics in the cyber security community, share knowledge, learn, teach and exchange ideas. Ken Munro will be joining. Details and URL TBC.

The Engineering Design Show Reconnect

The Internet The Internet, United Kingdom

Ken Munro will be presenting: Getting the Smart stuff wrong when creating innovative products Innovation drives engineers, that’s a given. What often gets overlooked in the Smart product space is security. There have been too many news stories about devices with embedded systems and poor APIs that could disclose user data or even harm users. […]

Bletchley Park Podcast – ‘Never Alone’

The Internet The Internet, United Kingdom

There will be a behind-the-scenes audio tour of the exhibition, and interviews with a young Disney fan about DisneyMagic bands and Ken Munro. It will be available here, date TBC:

ASRG LiveStream

The Internet The Internet, United Kingdom

Ken Munro will be presenting: Time TBC. A YouTube live stream link will be provided closer to the event. Vulnerability Disclosure Programs. How to make a VDP work In this session we’ll share our experience of disclosing vulnerabilities. The good, the bad, and the downright shameful. You’ll also be given some choice insights into the […]

RSA Conference USA 2021

The Internet The Internet, United Kingdom

Ken Munro will be on the panel: Taking Flight – 3 experts discuss Aerospace Cybersecurity Pressed to share their big idea in less than 7 min, Nick will dive into a background of Avionics for security professionals, Ken will discuss Electronic Flight Bag security, and Brian will discuss a new Space Force acquisition program that […]

Cybersecure at Sea 2021

The Internet The Internet, United Kingdom

Building on the success of the first event, Cybersecure at Sea 2021 will look at the progress the sector has made since IMO 2021 came live on 1 January 2021. The conference will explore how forward-thinking operators are thinking beyond compliance towards overall risk management. It will identify commonalities and differences in the approaches, maturities […]

Is your arbitration cyber secure?

The Internet The Internet, United Kingdom

Speakers: Wolf von Kumberg, Wendy Gonzales, Damian Hickman, Tony Gee, Shobana Iyer Moderator: Karina Albers The CIArb London Branch would like to invite you to join us for a virtual evening raising awareness of cyber security in arbitration. The ICC Brazilian pulp case has highlighted the vulnerability of tribunals when proceedings are jeopardised due to […]