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InfraGard Houston Chapter meetup

The Internet The Internet, United Kingdom

Tim Luck will be presenting: Drilling Down into the Murky World of ICS Hacking With real world vulnerabilities, we will show how cyber-attacks can be carried out against ICS hardware […]

IoT [Virtual] Village: May 2020

The Internet The Internet, United Kingdom

Dave Lodge (@tautology0) will be hacking retro computers! Retro consoles covered will include the ZX Vega and C64 mini. 6PM - 10PM / 11Pm - 3AM GMT+1 Register here […]

DC44141 – Glasgow Defcon Hacker Meetup

The Internet The Internet, United Kingdom

Phil Eveleigh (@Yekki_1) will be talking about Ladder Logic. Details here

IoT Thames Valley Meetup #30

The Internet The Internet, United Kingdom

Ken Munro will be presenting: Telematics, tracking, and tormented souls Tracking may be a buzzword at the moment, but over the last 4 years we have been keen investigators of […]

Identiverse 2020 – Virtual Conference

The Internet The Internet, United Kingdom

Ken Munro will be presenting: Has poor IoT security actually created bigger, more serious systemic flaws? This talk will outline our research on smart car alarms, solar inverters, car chargers […]

SC Digital Congress 2020

The Internet The Internet, United Kingdom

Ken Munro will be delivering live hack demos: TBC

IMarEST Stanley Gray Lecture – Hacking Ships’ Bridges

The Internet The Internet, United Kingdom

Watch the full video here Nigel Hearne will be presenting: Hacking Ships' Bridges Register here

IT security for remote working

The Internet The Internet, United Kingdom

Tony Gee and Gerard Kerrigan will be presenting. Topics covered: The new working environment Impact of home/remote working for IT security What are the new risks and how to mitigate […]