Dave Lodge (@tautology0) will be hacking retro computers! Retro consoles covered will include the ZX Vega and C64 mini. 6PM - 10PM / 11Pm - 3AM GMT+1 Register here https://www.eventbrite.com/e/iot-virtual-village-tickets-104659886538 […]
Andrew Tierney will be presenting. Vehicles are some of the most complex connected embedded systems around us. Each car contains tens of ECUs, manufactured by multiple tier 1s, all communicating […]
Ken Munro will be presenting: Telematics, tracking, and tormented souls Tracking may be a buzzword at the moment, but over the last 4 years we have been keen investigators of […]
Ken Munro will be presenting: Has poor IoT security actually created bigger, more serious systemic flaws? This talk will outline our research on smart car alarms, solar inverters, car chargers […]
Watch the full video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lj0Twag3JRc Nigel Hearne will be presenting: Hacking Ships' Bridges Register here https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/webinar-stanley-gray-lecture-hacking-ships-bridges-tickets-95805604141
Tony Gee and Gerard Kerrigan will be presenting. Topics covered: The new working environment Impact of home/remote working for IT security What are the new risks and how to mitigate […]