Housing 2020
Manchester Central Convention Centre Petersfield, Manchester, United KingdomJo Dalton will be presenting: TBC
Jo Dalton will be presenting: TBC
Andrew Tierney will be presenting: Oil rigs and Cruise Liners Register here https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/cyberfest-port-of-tyne-cybersecurity-in-offshore-and-onshore-logistics-tickets-114106501618
Ken Munro will be presenting 15:10 - 15:30 Register here: https://www.abi.org.uk/register-for-event/index/700dd749-3a48-ea11-80f0-000d3a290f8f/
Internet of things, software audits and enforcement Stephenson Harwood and the Federation Against Software Theft are delighted to invite you to our joint webinar on Thursday 24 September. We have […]
Tim Luck will be available. Register here https://www.lendit.com/usa/2020/register/
Ken Munro will be presenting the Operational IoT keynote: The IoT is littered with security disasters. As the distinction from OT blurs how do we avoid repeating them? Register here […]
Andrew Tierney will be presenting. Topic, title, date & time TBC www.meetup.com/BBC-Tech-Meetup/
Andrew Tierney is presenting: Smarter Shipping. Hacking floating ICS for fun and profit
Ken Munro will be presenting the Keynote: The Perils of IoT When Working From Home Register here https://events.pcisecuritystandards.org/europe/register/
Register here https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/Automotive-Security-Research-Group-Stuttgart/events/274007899