Monday 28 April – 11:15 – 12:30 – Jo Dalton will be presenting the keynote:
Threats and breaches. When the real world comes crashing in
Avoiding an incident isn’t always possible. Motivated attackers can and do regularly breach organisations, in a variety of ways that are constantly evolving. This session will look at real world cyber incidents and their impacts, those difficult conversations that happen at 3am, and areas that people don’t realise they really need support with until it’s too late. With inspiring insight and practical tips you can implement straight away this session is not to be missed.
Jo will also be running a workshop from 14:00 to 15:30:
Strengthen your company’s cybersecurity – an introduction to Threat Modelling
Cybersecurity threats present a significant challenge to companies. This session will look at threats from a risk management perspective. This workshop will introduce the concept of Threat Modelling and how it can be used effectively in a variety of ways. This will cover ensuring that best practices are being implemented, to safeguard data, protect client information, and stay ahead of evolving threats.
The session will offer practical insights that will enable you to strengthen your organisation’s defences.
Don’t miss this chance to develop skills that will enable you to build resilience in an increasingly vulnerable digital landscape.
Register here.